Acupuncture, Womens Health, Weight Loss in London
Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a system of medicine that harnesses the body’s natural resources to heal itself. It’s an immensely powerful but subtle therapy that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Acupunct...
Stone Therapy Massage, Thai Massage, Crystal Therapy in London
I specialise in prescriptive temperature treatments using warm and cooled stones. Having originally introduced hot and cold stones to the UK fourteen years ago, taught over 2,000 therapists worldwide, I have uniquely vast knowledge and skill in work...
Counselling, Reiki, Shiatsu in Buckhurst Hill
Back Problems,Whiplash Injuries,Sinusitis,Stress,Post Traumatic Stress,Insomnia, Asthma,Skin Disorders,I.B.S.Depression,Menopausal/Hormonal Problems,Arthritis/ Joint Pain.
Reiki, Womens Health, Indian Head Massage in Rainham
I am dedicated to improving and maintaining the most important aspects of life: health in mind, body and soul. I am a fully qualified practitioner and have been practicing for over 15 years both privately and for the NHS. I have continued to further ...
Thai MassageReiki, Womens Health, Indian Head Massage in london
Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in Cambridge
Essential and seasonal aromatic blends relax, calm and balance the body. Restore and release This full-body massage is designed to work on tight, tired muscles and stiff joints after sports or a day of physical activities. Deep tissue work ea...